French Holiday Program 2023
Fun, Educative, Creative, Memorable
From 10 to 14yo
We love to offer the kids a way to enjoy French!
Our goal for this program is to be a spark, we won't TEACH French. We want to give the children a good taste of our language and culture. We want them to love French because it's so much easier to learn something you like, isn't it?
Activities and games will be explained in English but played in French. However there are so many theatre activities which can be understood only with observation, body movement, repetition etc... which is why we have found that day 1’s training will be explained in English however as of Day 2, the training will be held in French by the leader with an assistant that can intervene in English for the comfort of the children if needed. We were mind browned by the children on our first French Learner camp about how much French instruction supported by observation they can understand that we have made this exciting change.
Every morning we will train the body and prepare the mind. The training will be in 2 parts:
1. The circle: We warm up the body. We warm up the voice, learning breathing exercises, voice projection, French tong-twister... We exercise the concentration with different French group games.
2. The "walking": This part uses the space and our place in it. We play with rhythms, weights, shapes, distances, imagination, we freeze, we run, we slow down, we grow... in French.
Then it's time to hydrate, eat a bit and relax with friends.
After the break, we present our theme in English AND in French. We love to choose a theme the kids will enjoy and learn about. We always connect the theme with French Art and Culture. It can be painting, sculptures, books etc... We love this part, the kids are always so curious, asking so many questions,
We take every opportunity to play with words. To find the words which are identical in English and in French. We have so many identical words. From there we work progressively.
Our theatrical experience convinces us to the benefit of "body learning". Understand the meaning of a word through movement is a powerful tool. So we use it ;-)
The children are working in small groups independently, can be improvisation, dance, craft, games, learning a routine etc... They are in charge of their "performance" and they love that!
It is important for us, that you don't expect a lot of the presentation. The presentation is not our real goal. It is clearly the one of the children, but not ours. For us, what really matters is to give them pleasure in French, it is to make them discover a part of the French culture, it's to make them feel the French language, it's rhythm and particularity, it is to give them the tools to work in groups, to help them develop their confidence, to dare to express themselves in public even if for the moment it is only one word etc...
Activities and games will be explained in English but played in French. However there are so many theatre activities which can be understood only with observation, body movement, repetition etc... which is why we have found that day 1’s training will be explained in English however as of Day 2, the training will be held in French by the leader with an assistant that can intervene in English for the comfort of the children if needed. We were mind browned by the children on our first French Learner camp about how much French instruction supported by observation they can understand that we have made this exciting change.
Every morning we will train the body and prepare the mind. The training will be in 2 parts:
1. The circle: We warm up the body. We warm up the voice, learning breathing exercises, voice projection, French tong-twister... We exercise the concentration with different French group games.
2. The "walking": This part uses the space and our place in it. We play with rhythms, weights, shapes, distances, imagination, we freeze, we run, we slow down, we grow... in French.
Then it's time to hydrate, eat a bit and relax with friends.
After the break, we present our theme in English AND in French. We love to choose a theme the kids will enjoy and learn about. We always connect the theme with French Art and Culture. It can be painting, sculptures, books etc... We love this part, the kids are always so curious, asking so many questions,
We take every opportunity to play with words. To find the words which are identical in English and in French. We have so many identical words. From there we work progressively.
Our theatrical experience convinces us to the benefit of "body learning". Understand the meaning of a word through movement is a powerful tool. So we use it ;-)
The children are working in small groups independently, can be improvisation, dance, craft, games, learning a routine etc... They are in charge of their "performance" and they love that!
It is important for us, that you don't expect a lot of the presentation. The presentation is not our real goal. It is clearly the one of the children, but not ours. For us, what really matters is to give them pleasure in French, it is to make them discover a part of the French culture, it's to make them feel the French language, it's rhythm and particularity, it is to give them the tools to work in groups, to help them develop their confidence, to dare to express themselves in public even if for the moment it is only one word etc...