1&2-day French acting workshops for Adults - Teenagers - Kids & parent(s)
For kids, teenagers and adults. Options available for all levels of French.

Immerse yourself in French language & culture for a weekend
No drama experience required
1&2-day French acting workshop, 9am to 3pm
Min students 6 - Max 12
2 groups level: Beginner & Intermediate - Advanced and Mother tongue
Where: Maison, 9 Douglas street, West Perth
I am pleased to offer 1&2-day French acting workshops.
- Experience acting in French to have fun while learning many powerful acting techniques. Improve your confidence, learn about French prononciation and how to have a voice that carries. If you are learning French give a boost to your speaking, immerse yourself in a French environment and meet people with the same interest.
The training for beginners will focus on pronunciation and voice projection.
These workshops can give you access to the performance group.
Adults & Teenager*French Advanced & mother tongue.
2-Days french acting workshops Saturday 7 & Sunday 8 March 2020 Saturday 16 & Sunday 17 May 2020 9am to 3pm Vous êtes français, ou bien vous apprenez notre belle langue et vous voulez pratiquer tout en vous amusant, vous êtes les bienvenus dans ce groupe. Pas besoin d'avoir de l'experience en théâtre pour profiter pleinement de tous les exercices. Si vous avez de l'expérience, vous êtes les bienvenus aussi et vous savez déjà qu'on continue à apprendre chaque jour et dans chaque activité proposée et que le plaisir est toujours au rendez-vous ;-) French Beginner & intermediate. 2-Days french acting workshops Saturday 2 & Sunday 3 May 2020 Saturday 25 & Sunday 26 July 2020 9am to 3pm You are welcome to practice French in a really fun and active environment. Many useful tips to improve your speaking and learn about French authors. |
Kids & parent(s)French Advanced & mother tongue.
From 6 yo 1-Day French acting workshops Saturday 28 March Saturday 30 May Saturday 29 August Cette journée est une merveilleuse occasion de partager une activité en français avec votre (vos) enfant(s). Venez jouez avec eux tout en utilisant notre belle langue. Découvrez des techniques interessantes à tous les âges, retrouvez ou découvrez des auteurs pour la jeunesse... Et surtout, n'ayez pas peur, si vous pensez ne plus avoir assez d'imagination, faites juste confiance à vos enfants, ils sauront vous guider ;-) |
Structure of the day
- 9am to 10am - Body preparation: breathing - movement - Concentration
- 10am to 10.15am - Break (in French of course)
- 10.15am to 11.15am - Pronunciation & voice projection
- 11.15pm to 12pm - Scene preparation (adapted to the level of French)
- 12pm to 12.30pm - Break (still in French ;-) )
- 12.30pm to 3pm - Scene presentation + feedback
Enrolment Fees*
2-day French Acting workshops - Adults & Teens*:
1 kid & parent(s): $120**
2 kids & parent(s): $180**
*If you are not already a member of PFT, an annual membership of $25 will be added.
This membership will give you access to classes, workshops and special discount on performances and paid events.
** French croissant offered for morning tea
- General admission: $300**
- Student & Concession: $200**
- French Teacher: $250**
- Group of 4: 15% discount on the total price.
- Refer a friend: 10% discount for you & your friend.
- 50% off if you are already part of PFT group.
1 kid & parent(s): $120**
2 kids & parent(s): $180**
*If you are not already a member of PFT, an annual membership of $25 will be added.
This membership will give you access to classes, workshops and special discount on performances and paid events.
** French croissant offered for morning tea